[rey-dee-uh nt]
1.emitting rays of light; shining; bright:
the radiant sun; radiant colors.
2. bright with joy, hope, etc.:
radiant smiles; a radiant future.

Thanks to Merriam-Webster for summing up my session with the Storms last Saturday morning, in one simple word; radiant. I first met the Storms last Spring when they were pregant with Audrey. I then did an extended family photoshoot with their family from Pennsylvania last summer. Last weekend I was fortunate enough to meet the newest addition to their family! Are you ready to meet her too?
Without further ado.....This is Ms. Audrey.

She is absolutely perfect.

Remember these two? They became big sisters this September!

Audrey is a lucky gal to be surrounded by so much love....

A dad to three girls, Brian sure knows how to wear a pink burp cloth with confidence...

And..there is no question that Erin is absolutely adored by this little one!

Welcome to the world, Ms. Audrey Claire. We are so happy that you are here with your sweet squishy lips!
Thanks again, Storm family! As always, I enjoyed my time with you guys!