As a niche farm photographer in Michigan, I'm passionate about documenting the agricultural stories that Michigan has to offer.

Over the years, I've had the privilege of specializing in storytelling and documentary photography for numerous Michigan farms from urban farms to rural farms. Recently, I had the opportunity to journey to Buchanan, Michigan, where I met with Marc Luff, the Farm Manager at Flatwater Farms. My assignment was to highlight Flatwater Farm's CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) through my lens.

Flatwater Farms, nestled in the heart of Michigan, paints a vivid picture of agricultural innovation and organic farming. From the vibrant radish and turnip fields to the lush raspberry bushes, it's a testament to the beauty and sustainability of our state's farming heritage.

At Flatwater Farms, the raspberries are nothing short of dazzling gems.

The radishes are a perfect example of Flatwater Farm's commitment to organic excellence and meticulous farming practices. These radishes are hand-pulled from the soil...

Carefully washed with fresh water...

and soaked in buckets before preparing for Flatwater Farm's loyal customer base to enjoy.

Stay connected with Flatwater Farms on social media to follow their sustainable farming journey and story!
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