As I shot this drone session for a commercial photography project for Kalamazoo County Parks, I couldn't help but think of the popular saying, "it's hard to see the forest for the trees." In other words, we get fixed on the details in life and have a hard time seeing the big picture.

It's hard to see the autumn color when walking around Michigan at the moment but with an aerial view, it's clear that fall color is starting to pop and autumn is upon us.

If you follow my work, you know that I LOVE different perspectives in photography and a birds-eye view is one of my favorite ways to see the world.

There is something freeing about shapeshifting into a bird to see what we can't see from the ground...

A passage that grants access...

Late afternoon autumn light that dances on the water...

Clear boundaries marked with buoys...

Long shadows from established Oak trees, ready to change colors.
Drone or aerial photography is a great way to add variety to your commercial marketing materials, allowing your customers to see what they often cannot; the forest for the trees.
Ready to book your commercial session? Let's chat