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P52 // Week 6

Last week's snowfall and sub zero temperatures in Kalamazoo were for the record books! Cities all across Michigan broke their record low temperatures as the Arctic winds of the Polar Vortex swept through the state. Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, declared a State of Emergency for Michigan just as Consumer's Energy issued an emergency public appeal for everybody to lower their thermostats to 65 degrees for fear of a natural gas shortage. It was -18 degrees outside and all kinds of chaos inside, as my kids anticipated yet another snow day, going to school only 1.5 days out of the last 10! As temps began to warm up on Saturday, another storm moved in - the stomach bug! We never made it to the Super Bowl party we had planned because we hosted our own bowl party at home (just not the football variety). All this happened while dad was away on his guy's ski trip. #Makingmemories #Mom'sturn

Here is the miraculous part...

Somehow through the cold and darkness, this little tulip wasn't phased by the circumstances and managed to find just enough light to bloom in my kitchen. That's what I want to remember about this week.

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