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I have recently received requests for lifestyle session from families who are either moving into their new home or from families who are moving out of their homes - both occasions mark a significant life milestone. Lifestyle photography seeks to capture the everyday moments and interactions with little posing or props. The emphasis of lifestyle photography is on the candid moments and expressions that make us who we are. What is the appeal? When we chase our kids around and force them to smile by begging them to repeat "cheese", we end up with fake and forced expressions that aren't authentic to who they are. When we allow kids to play and interact and just BE, we end up with authentic expressions and real moments that we can cherish for years to come. This family is preparing for a move back to Ohio and wanted to have a lifestyle session in their home before moving. I spent the morning documenting the little moments and routines that make this family who they are - including making pancakes, eating bacon, playing with trucks, reading books and playing on beds. Thanks for a great morning and best wishes on your new adventure!

lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan
lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan
lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan
lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan
lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan
lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan
lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan
lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan
lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan
lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan
lifestyle photography Kalamazoo Michigan

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